Hobart, Tasmania

I have arrived in beautiful Hobart and am up to my ears in boxes, cardboard, bubble wrap and paper. I'll get back to you all soon with photos of our travels, our new home and adventure stories of the "high Bass Strait seas" ... actually it was smooth sailing all up.


ronnie said…
whooo hooooo! alert the authorities! the gems has landed on the isle!

good luck and happy unpacking in your new home gemma - may your new life be smooth sailing

Gemma Black said…
Aggggggrrrrrrr! Boxes ... and they're just David's mine arrive next Friday (23rd)
Gemma Black said…
... thank you both for your messages

x x gb
noelB said…
Welcome to Tassie, Gemma - I did a double-take when I finished reading your latest posting.
Launceston is pretty cool too at present - I'm waiting to see how much snow has fallen on Ben Lomond. It's had a huge cloud system over it most of today. Not so close as you'll be - with Mt Wellington so near!
All the best with the dreaded unpacking - we're still not quite finished!!! Cheers, Noel

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