A Letter a Week for 2010

Fiona (Paper Ponderings) and I have been discussing this little project since just before the new year. With Fiona's idea we have nutted out the bibs & bobs and we would welcome anyone with a passion for letter forms to join us ... read on my friends ... read on:

The aim is simply to:
· Write a letter a week
· Creating 52 letters
· Which must form 2 x alphabets
· By the end of 2010

The only real rule is that the letter must be presented on a piece measuring 7cm x 7cm

· We can use any medium, on any surface.
· We can use any hand or representation of a letter.
· The presentation of the final product is up to each of us – we could mat and frame the pieces as a work of art; we could make a stack of cards, we could bind them individually; we could bind them in a book; we could cover a box with them....

We can also use any theme or approach we wish in the project – we may choose to do all our letter in black and white and red; we may choose not to repeat a combination of medium and surface; we may choose to be experimental; we may choose an animal theme; we may choose a letter linked to a poem....

We may start at the beginning of the alphabet, the end of the alphabet, we may make two alphabets simultaneously or we may just decide that today feels like a “D” day and decide to write a “D”

We will also aim to do a monthly sharing – on the first Wednesday of a month, we will share photos of our letters from the previous month. How’s that for prescriptive!

Other than that, I think we just go do what we want to do. Feel free to invite other calligraphers to join and do a letter a week; or other artist types who might want to do a 7cm x 7cm piece a week...

Depending on how we go, and where we are and what our final pieces look like; it might be nice to try and arrange a showing or mini-exhibition of the pieces once we have finished .

So...by Wednesday 3 February we will each need to have 4 x letters ready to show, and perhaps some words about our approach/theme or what we are hoping to achieve.




CJ Kennedy said…
I'm in such an upside down place and I've lost creativity because the energy is being sucked from me. Oh, I think I can do this. Need to do this. Thanks, Gems.
confuzed said…
I think I need to do this too.
Great idea. Starting now!

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